Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Samuelson goes for the wall

Usually, Robert Samuelson is a smart, sensible writer who does a good job of explaining economic issues to the average dude (well, ok, to the average newspaper-reading dude). Today, he goes off-topic and jumps into the immigration fray.

The results are not pretty. He favors building a cheap copy of the Great Wall along the Mexican border to: 1) keep unskilled Mexicans from competeing with unskilled Americans; and 2) to push the Mexicans already here (and he favors an amnesty) towards faster assimilation, so they will not become a new permanent underclass.

The purpose of this blog is to explore better alternatives --for eveyone-- than building the border fence, as I firmly believe it would be a catastrophe for the U.S., for Mexico and, dare I say it, for the world.

That is not the only thing I disagree with in Samuelson's piece, but that'll have to wait for another day. To his credit, he at least doen't favor mass deportations and is not a racist.